If you imported a CSV file and did not map a Master ID, the system does not know if a contact is the same or a duplicate.   

We recommend mapping a unique identifier for each contact to the Master ID.  

If a contact has the same Master ID, it will recognize it as the same contact. If you are using a CRM integration, MonsterConnect will automatically use the CRM Contact ID.

If a user maps a unique Id to the master_ID, EVERY contact in the file MUST have a unique ID. If you do not have a unique ID for every contact, then the user should NOT map to the master_ID or they should create a unique ID.








If the user is exporting from a CRM program, the contact ID from CRM should be used.  This should be the Contact ID not an Account ID.  

The contact ID the user maps to the master ID should be unique. Two different contacts should NOT have the same contact ID.  A good practice is to check for duplicate IDs in the file before importing.










The email address is a common thing used to map to the master_ID  as email addresses are unique to individuals.  

The user can copy and paste the email and then name the column in the csv as master_ID,  Every contact MUST have an email address if you are going to map the email to the master_ID.